09 January 2025
Meet the Team-January 2025
Hi Andrew! It's your last day with us at Smart Money Cymru and as so many of our members would have got to know you over your time with SMC, we thought we'd chat with you for this month's "Meet the Staff" segment of our Newsletter.
Andrew, for those who haven't met you, what was your role in SMC?
As Development Manager for Powys, I was responsible for raising the profile of SMC in the region. I also overseen the 2 Mid Wales branches-Llandrindod Wells and Brecon and supported a number of volunteers in various hubs throughout the County.
That sounds like it keeps you very busy, but when you have free time, what do you do outside of work?
I moved into Llandrindod Wells in April 2022 into a beautiful Victorian House. Renovating this takes up most of a spare time, though I do try to make time for vintage Hi-Fi, electronica and collecting vintage posters-particularly ones from Poland.
Wow! Those sound like interesting hobbies. What's a fact about you that not many people know?
I was the first paid member of staff at Smart Money Cymru, way back in 2001!
That's impressive. We've come a long way since then! What's the best piece of advice you've been given?
"To check it once is normal; to check it twice is foolish"
We'll take that on board. What thing would you love to have an unlimited supply of?
Other than the supplies I need for my hobbies, at the moment it would be sleep!
Wouldn't we all!! Finally, as it's your last day, what's been your favourite memory at Smart Money?
There's been so many memorable moments over my time at SMC, but I would say attending the Royal Welsh Show for a week was definitely an experience! The amount of planning that goes into attending an event on that scale is shocking, but it was a fun experience with colleagues!
Thanks for chatting to us Andrew. All of us at SMC wish you well!